40 questions To help you say goodbye to 2020 and helllooooo to 2021!
Reflect and appreciate what was…
Where were you at this time last year?
If you had to describe this year in 3-5 key words, what would they be?
What is the most important lesson you learned this year?
What is the best thing that happened?
What challenges did you overcome?
What have you lost or gained since last year?
Where did you succeed?
Where did you fail?
What new skills did you learn?
What did you enjoy the most?
What new habits did you cultivate?
What are you the most proud of this year?
What did you learn about yourself?
How did your relationships (family, friends, work) evolve?
What was the best decision you made?
What got in the way of your success?
What would you do differently if you could?
How are you different than a year ago?
Who or what had the biggest positive impact on your life this year?
Who or what are you most grateful for this year?
What did you leave unfinished?
What energized you?
What drained you?
How kind were you to yourself?
What advice would you give your last year’s self?
Get excited for what is to come…
What is your intention for next year?
What are you going to continue doing?
What do you want to change completely?
How do you intend to be different at the end of next year?
What do you want to accomplish?
What will be your purpose next year?
Who do you want to spend more time with?
What career opportunities to you want to create for yourself?
Which habits do you want to change, cultivate or get rid of?
How will you help others?
What skills do you want to learn, improve or master?
How will you take care of yourself?
Who will you reach out to for help and support?
How do you want to remember the year 2021 when you look back at it 10 years from now?
What is your number one goal for next year?